_____ .__ __ _______________________________ / _ \ ____ ____ ____ | | ________________ _/ |_ ___________ \_ ___ \__ ___/\_ _____/ / /_\ \_/ ___\/ ___\/ __ \| | _/ __ \_ __ \__ \\ __\/ _ \_ __ \ / \ \/ | | | __) / | \ \__\ \__\ ___/| |_\ ___/| | \// __ \| | ( <_> ) | \/ \ \____| | | \ \____|__ /\___ >___ >___ >____/\___ >__| (____ /__| \____/|__| \______ /|____| \___ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Quiz/Research Challenges: Q1. What is the bash Linux command to extract the IP only from the following URL: A1. Q2. What is the bash Linux command to find all the files starting with "sbd" and for each of them display the file type? A2. Q3. What are the default credentials for the Hybris Administration Console? A3. Q4. What is the Powershell command to list services that are running? A4. Q5. What is the nmap command for scanning an IP for all TCP ports, determining service/version and scripts and save the output in grepable format? A5. Practical Challenges: Q6. What version of Apache is running on the host? A6. Version= Q7. What are the contents of the file flag1.txt? There's a ftpuser which might be helpful for this challenge. A7. Flag= Q8. There's a weird service running on port 60000. There's a flag within. What is it? A8. Flag= Q9. Enumerate the web application and identify the username and password for the non-standard user. A9. Username= Password= Q10. What’s the folder name of the 'hidden' directory in the web root? A10. Folder= Q11. Use the answer to Q10 identify the hidden flag. A11. Flag= Q12. There is an information disclosure vulnerability in the web application. Find it and use it to get the content of /etc/flag5.txt A12. Flag= Q13. What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 100? A13. Q14. What is the sum of the first 100 numbers from the Fibonacci sequence? A14.