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DerbyCon 2016 CTF Write Up

We’ve just got back to work after spending a fantastic few days in Kentucky for DerbyCon 2016.  As with previous years, there was an awesome CTF event, so we thought it’d be rude not to [...]

By |September 27, 2016|

ZeroPress – A WordPress Vulnerability Hunter

Finding WordPress plugin vulnerabilities is like shooting fish in a barrel.  Like taking candy from a baby.  Like… you get the idea.  Quick wins are good wins and there’s nothing like easy remote code execution [...]

By |September 16, 2016|

Rocktastic: a word list on steroids

Bigger isn’t always better, but sometimes it is.  If you need a huge word list before you hit those mask attacks, we’ve got you covered.  We call it Rocktastic.  When you absolutely, positively, got to [...]

By |September 8, 2016|
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