New Threat Advisory Report: Nettitude finds malicious content embedded in image files
Nettitude’s security researchers are always on the lookout for attack trends and changes in the cyber threat landscape. Our team has recently found malicious content embedded in Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image files, which when [...]
Nettitude’s new Cyber Threat Intelligence report reveals increase in targeted phishing emails
With the recent TalkTalk hack just the latest in a long line of high-profile data breaches that have taken place in recent years, our security researchers monitor changes in the global cyber threat landscape on [...]
Technical Analysis of ELF/Spylock.A Malware for GNU/Linux
Introduction Nettitude recently obtained a sample of some malware intended to run on GNU/Linux-based servers, with the purpose of turning its host into a cut-out for anonymous forwarding of messages between other machines. We have [...]
Pony malware two years later
Overview Two years after first gaining notoriety, the Pony Botnet remains very active. The malware is primarily targeted at the theft of user credentials from applications such as web browsers and email applications, for example, [...]
Dridex Malware Steals Millions from Online Bank Accounts
Warnings were issued yesterday by the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) and the UK National Crime Agency about a piece of malware called Dridex, which is used for stealing money from online bank accounts. [...]