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Windows Inline Function Hooking

Hooking can be used by legitimate software for reverse engineering, for example, to examine the user mode function calls that a malicious program is making. It can also be used by a malicious program to [...]

By |March 18, 2015|

Vulnerability Discovery Via 'Fuzzing'

Why would you fuzz? People fuzz for many reasons, depending on the industry they are in, from reliable assurance through to testing and validation. In security research, our primary goal is to discover potential vulnerabilities [...]

By |March 11, 2015|

DLL Injection: Part Two

In a previous blog post I gave a high level overview of DLL injection, what it is used for and how it might be achieved. More than one method exists to get our code into [...]

By |March 4, 2015|

DLL Injection: Part One

A High Level Overview DLL injection is a technique that can be used by legitimate software to add functionality, aid with debugging, or reverse engineer software running on a Windows PC.  It is also often [...]

By |February 25, 2015|
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