Context Triggered Piecewise Hashing To Detect Malware Similarity
At Nettitude we collect a large amount of malware binary samples, both from our Honeypot network, from our customers and from incident response. One of the first steps we take is to calculate the MD5 [...]
Shellter – A Dynamic Shellcode Injector
Recently, Shellter has been added to the official repository of Kali Linux. This is a very important milestone in the course of development for this project. Since there are not many tools that can be [...]
The Prestige in Malware Persistence
Introduction Just like in magic tricks, a malware infection very often consists of three parts or acts. Paraphrasing the following narration from the film “The Prestige (2006)” gives an idea of what we are going [...]
VoIP attacks are on the rise, particularly in the UK, according to new research by Nettitude
Voice over IP (VoIP) infrastructure has become more susceptible to cyber attacks in recent years due to the proliferation of both its use and the tools that can be used for malicious purposes. During the [...]
Malware Is Changing Daily! Are You Still Protected?
A look at recent malware techniques One of the biggest challenges in detecting and protecting against malware is that attackers continually change their techniques and behaviours. We have observed some interesting activities recently that are [...]